On Wednesday the 12th of June 2019, at approximately 1:00 pm in the afternoon, a speedy bicycle courier transported a freshly constructed flipper (a temporary bite device made from denture acrylic that resembles the patient’s gums, and supports the replacement tooth) between Archer Dental’s two downtown Toronto dental clinic locations. It’s a great ride that glimpses the city on a busy day.
The one-way cross-town trip takes seventeen and a half minutes to complete and shows congested intersections, public transit and life in the downtown core of Canada’s biggest city. The bike courier who supplied the video told us he could have done the ride in half the time, but instead of going all out, he stuck to the bike lanes and obeyed the signal lights. The ride begins at Archer Dental Rosedale (600 Sherbourne St) in Bloordale Village, and the courier takes a direct route west along Gerrard St through the University of Toronto campus (where you can see the Graduating Class of 2019 Convocation Ceremonies occurring) all the way west along the College St bike lanes right to Archer Dental Little Italy (564 College St) If you are a cyclist you will enjoy the speed (and he makes no huffing and puffing sounds!) and if you are from out of town you will enjoy seeing the urban scenery and faces of the residents as the camera zooms past.